Going to bed early, rising early and getting proper sleep everyday helps the actress to stay fit, beautiful, healthy and energetic all day long

Drinking the perfect proportion of water for example around 10 to 12 glasses over the course of the day adequately hydrates and detoxifies the skin and body

Rekha feels that it is important to maintain a healthy and nutritional diet plan to stay beautiful.

She avoids unhealthy, junk, fried and overcooked food

Rekha adores putting on makeup and was the one to introduce oil-based makeup in Bollywood when her counterparts used talc-based dry makeup

The actress has been an ardent lover of yoga and meditation since years and diligently practices the same every day

Rekha loves dancing and is also a cleanliness fanatic

She believes in the beauty benefits of ancient Ayurveda and aromatherapy and hence, inculcates both in her spa sessions at home